자신의 비망록에 대해 미 정부가 발행중지를 요구하고 고료 압수 위협을 한데 대해 스노든은 "전재산을 비트코인으로 전환할 것" 이라고 응수했다.
Edward Snowden News
Edward Snowden is a former Central Intelligence Agency agent and computer scientist, who leaked classified information of the National Security Agency (NSA) in 2013. The leaked documents were published by The Guardian, The New York Times and other influential media and revealed numerous global surveillance programs conducted by Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance with the assistance of the NSA and various telecommunication companies. Ed Snowden’s revelations became an international issue that strained relations between the world’s governments. Today, Snowden is living in Moscow, Russia under temporary asylum. The exact place where Snowden is living has not been revealed for his safety. Edward Snowden is a Bitcoin and cryptocurrency enthusiast but stated multiple times that cryptocurrencies are not as secure and private as mass media often tries to frame it.
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